Here are Tilda's guys:

Kopp painted Tilda - see it here. He's also painted yonis and other genitalia - they are so breathtakingly beautiful (as is the man himself) that Betty Dodson features them on her website.
What a perfect scenario for a poly relationship - actors spend a lot of time away from home, and the combination of time away, loneliness, and working with beautiful people has resulted in affairs that have broken up many a Hollywood marriage and relationship. How courageous of these three to be honest - not to mention their creative problem solving skills! Then again, it seems like the rich and famous tend to get a pass on such controversial practices while we regular folks often face greater challenges being public with our polyness.
I could not agree with you more. It is so nice to see people dwelling in reality. And you are so, so right about the Hollywood set having it easier than us "regular folks" as well. Hugh Hefner's a hero and yet poly families without fame and fortune are often under painful scrutiny. Still, I think it's good. The more visibility we can gain for healthy, happy, sane open or poly relationships, the better. If a movie star wears a certain brand of jeans, suddenly everyone else is wearing them too. Maybe someday soon that same mimicry will spread to relationship styles. "Hey, it works for them. And I love them. Maybe it's not so crazy after all and maybe it could work for me too," people will say. Well, a girl can dream anyway...
Indeed a girl certainly can and should, Jenny. Combining our dreams and talents and supporting each other's work on raising awareness is what will allow our dreams to manifest.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment - I'm looking forward to reading your upcoming book, Open: Love, Sex and Life in an Open Marriage!
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