This just released from the fine polyfolk who bring us the Florida Poly Retreat. I have the honor of being their keynote speaker this year - here's what I'll be talking about:
Polyamory in Media’s Spotlight
Over the last couple of years much has happened on the public stage that has the power to affect poly lives in ways both good and bad.
The good news: Polyamory is no longer socially obscure.
The bad news: Visibility attracts attention from people who actively oppose the way we live our lives.
The image of polyamory is being driven today by local, regional and national television and print media. As we all know, Florida poly community members and leaders have had moments in the spotlight, some welcome and some not so much.
National and international media interest in polyamory is at an all time high with no real end in sight. Increasingly the media is the grass roots playing field that offers the most effective means of influencing public opinion – and hopefully public policy – in our favor.
Come hear more and ask questions about this exciting but challenging trend.
FPR release sez.....
Don't forget, the Florida Poly Retreat is coming up March 27-30! We have a great retreat planned. Anita Wagner is our keynote speaker (check her out here) and we have some awesome presentations scheduled on things like:
~Polyamory & Paganism
~Polyamory & Christianity
~Polyamory & GLBT
~Practical STD Management
~Communications Strategies
along with some repeats and expansions of previous favorites like workshops on:
~Meyers-Briggs Type Indicators
~The Hero's Journey
~Tantric Harmony
Plus much more!
We also have a bunch of social events for everyone to enjoy, such as our bonfire (tended by our resident Firemen) and drumming every night, nature paths, and a clothing-optional pool (the only clothing-optional area on site). Florida weather in March is really quite moderate, and is an especially nice break from the slush and the cold from up North. A long weekend break in Central Florida is just the thing for people busy with work and tired of winter!
Also, the library and media room (with poly-themed movies available to watch), and the main hall will have coffee, juice and water all day for easy socializing and just taking a break.
We also just opened a Cafe Press store where you can get some great FPR merchandise! All the proceeds go back into FPR to make your retreat experience even better! Check us out here for all sorts of stuff!
There are still campsites and cabins available, so register soon before they're all filled up! And if anyone is interested in giving a presentation, workshop, or being part of a panel discussion, there is still room alongside of our already-fabulous lineup of presenters! Contact presentations@floridapolyretreat.com for more info and ask about the Presenter Price Break!
Can't wait to see ya'll there!
FPR 2008 Staff
> The image of polyamory is being
> driven today by local, regional
> and national television and
> print media.
Not entirely. The image also comes from out polys whom people personally know. Not many people are aware of actually knowing polyfolks, but for those who do, real-life contact makes a much stronger impression than a newspaper. And from there, gossip travels.
I also think that promoting good academic research on a subject, and educating college and professional groups about it, works things into the media and society effectively second-hand. Just a thought....
Keep up with Polyamory in the News!
Ah, yes, good point. What I meant and should have written is that the PUBLIC image of polyamory is being drive by the media. And I agree that progress in academic research and educating academia and mental health professionals will likely translate to a more positive public image as time passes.
Thank you so much for letting everyone that you are going to be coming to FPR 2008 and that you are going to be our Keynote Speaker. We are all so very excited to have you come and be a part of the best Retreat of its kind in Florida, and I personally am looking forward to meeting you. If there is anything that you need at all, please do not hesitate to ask.
See you in March!
Florida Poly Retreat 2008
Brooksville, Florida
Polyamory shouldn't be treated with any contempt seeing as humans are social beings!Media opinions affect the masses' perception but like drinking,its shunned but its fun!
jane doe
Florida Drug Rehab
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